What we do
Accountants in the modern era perform a variety of functions. Their jobs are no longer limited to the preparation of financial accounts. Accountants also provide their clients, the government and society in general with many other important services.
Maintaining Books of Accounts
Maintaining a systematic record of all financial transactions of a firm. This allows the company to then prepare their financial statements from such records to ascertain the profit or loss for the year and gauge the financial position of the company from the balance sheet.

Accounting Functions
Accounting is the language of finance. It conveys the financial position of the firm or business to anyone who wants to know. It helps to translate the workings of a firm into tangible reports that can be compared. So it is essential that we know the meaning of accounting.
An accountant is also capable of handling taxation matters for a firm or an individual. He can file tax returns on behalf of his clients.Another important role of an accountant is that of a tax consultant. He has the knowledge and the information to advise his clients on how they can save on tax.
Cost Accounting
Accountants also carry out cost accounting, i.e. examine the costing structure of a firm. They record, report, summarize and analyze cost data of organizations. They then develop methods of controlling such costs.
Financial Advice
Accountants have widespread knowledge and experience in many fields and industries. So they are very well equipped to provide their clients with financial advice about a variety of financial matters.
Popular Packages
Entry level package
Especially designed for a small business with a turnover of less than 1 million per year. R 1500.00 to R 4000.00 per year depending on company evaluation.
Starter package
Tailored for a small to medium business enterprise with a turnover of 1 to 2 million per year. R 4000.00 to R 8000.00 per year depending on company evaluation.
Designed for a small to medium business enterprise, with a turnover of 3 to 4 million R 8000+ per year depending on company evaluation.
Free website
Get a free website designed and built for any new or existing business Only pay R 199.00 per month hosting and R 250.00 per year for domain name renewal.
What is Accounting
Accounting is all about the process that helps to record summarize and analyse and report data concerning financial transactions.The first function that accounting applies is the recording of different transactions that are made within a company.
Book-keeping focuses only on
the recording aspect, the maintenance of the procedure happens in a systematic matter.There are three main ways of recording. (1) Putting up a system that will maintain the records (2) Tracking financial transactions (3) Aggregation of reports to present a final set of financial reports
Accounting is the language of finance. It conveys the financial position of the firm or business to anyone who wants to know. It helps to translate the workings of a firm into tangible reports that can be compared. So it is essential that we know the meaning of accounting.